"Random Access Memories" is an attempt to bring order to a collection of disparate footage, predominantly home movies, from the mid-20th century. In Jorge Luis Borges' short story "Funes the Memorious," the protagonist grapples with the overwhelming burden of his extraordinary memory, which allows him to recall every detail. I argue that archive is going through the same phase. Recent digital innovations and the availability of infinite cloud storage empower us to capture and preserve every facet of our existence. In this context, is our destiny inevitably bound to be same as Funes?
Production year: 2024
Roles: Director, Editor
Music Composed by Matilda Madaj Solberg
Runtime: 00:12:24
Digital, 16;9, Stereo
Roles: Director, Editor
Music Composed by Matilda Madaj Solberg
Runtime: 00:12:24
Digital, 16;9, Stereo